Friday, July 08, 2005

Going Broadband !

One more year has passed by and I am 27 ! Numerologists may be excited at this number because 2 + 7 = 9 (considered a good number), my DoB also contains 2 and 7 (it also contains other numbers and if you consider the time, it might contain all numbers from 0 - 9), etc. Not sure if this would be a good year, but it definitely has to be the year when lot of good things have to happen. Now whenever an adjective is mentioned it has to be always relative to something and when I say good, it is relative to the previous years.

An year that is worth forgetting, but that which may not be forgotten for all the wrong reasons ! It was the yeay when work related stress, tension, etc was the maximum. Minimal learning and high stress and that can make you the owner of all kinds of physical and emotional diseases. That is why I decided to start this year by studying the impact of previous year. The reports of the executive health check up were really encouraging - strong heart (I thought this had nearly given up till I got it checked ! Now need to search for some takers ;-) ), organs that are performing at its best in the worst conditions, etc. But that doesnt mean that I can dance around the streets and go around freaking on all kinds of junk food. Body is beginning to show signs of stress and I need to keep a smiling face even if the situation around is not favorable. No wonder email is the best way because I can put a smiling face whenever I like .. here goes one :-)

The previous year was also a disaster as far as relationships are concerned. This was the year when most of my friends went far or wide or both. I also shifted to a new place and now I often end up fighting with my landlady who also doubles up as my house maid ! The previous year also saw contacts with friends being reduced, broken or terminated ! The last one was a tough one but it was something that was well thought out and executed to perfection in the better interests of everyone concerned.

Anymore stress to add ? Well lots - toying with the idea of buying a car, a flat, etc. Finally found myself postponing all the decisions. But I did buy something and that, I hope, would be worth more than the car or a house in the current scenario.

Having seen stress at its peak, can it be any worse ? yes, definitely. I see many people who are more stressed out than I am ! But hope this year (28) would be kind enough not to stress me up and ensure that I keep smiling (or atleast start smiling) ! So far it has been great ! A peaceful and pleasant week spending my vacation in Coimbatore, purchased a new computer and connected my home to the information highway through the broad band services of BSNL and when I am back in office, we have the football, cricket and volleyball tournaments !

Best Kanna Best !
(Signing off watching the clear sky from the Cruise somewhere in the middle of the region north of Indian Ocean :-) )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here’s a Broadband Video that will show you how to check availability by postcode, how perform a broadband speed test and where to find broadband forums to answer your questions. There are also offers for SKY Broadband.
Here is a broadband beginners guide and below are common broad band questions;
>What is Broadband?
>Types of Connections?
>Connection speeds and download limits
>How to compare ISP’s